16 Best Active Shopify Forums and Communities to Join Paid Members Public
Growing your first e-commerce business, setting up your first Shopify store, creating a business plan,… everything can be new and challenging for you at the beginning. But luckily, you don’t have to do it alone. Here in this article, we’ve collected the most active Shopify forums and communities

Top 7 Shopify Stores and What You Can Learn From Them Paid Members Public
E-commerce stores grew by leaps and bounds during the pandemic. According to UN trade and Development experts UNCTAD, the e-commerce sector saw a dramatic increase in its percentage of total retail sales from 16% to 19% by 2020. In an interview with Bloomberg, Harley Finkelstein - Shopify president, said: "

Top 8 Shopify Apps You Need To Win Black Friday Cyber Monday 2023 Paid Members Public
Black Friday and Cyber Monday are the most significant eCommerce events that every store owner looks forward to every year. In 2020, Black Friday raked in #9 billion in online sales, which is a 21,6% increase from 2019. Meanwhile, Cyber Monday also brought in $10.8 billion, up over

Optimize Shopify Image Sizes: The Ultimate Guide For 2023 Paid Members Public
It's no doubt that images play an important role in your Shopify store. They can improve or diminish your sales performance. The image quality also has a strong impact on page load speed, zooming capabilities, etc. But actually, it all starts with one simple thing at the core

Consumer Decision Making Process: Best Strategies & Tips for Shopify stores Paid Members Public
Consumers are complicated, that's a fact! During their decision-making process, they go through many factors that can influence their ultimate decision. Your Shopify store design, your call-to-action, your product descriptions, your product reviews, etc, anything can affect the buying process. Therefore, understanding the customer decision-making process is very

Top 15 Examples Of Shopify Stores Reviews Paid Members Public
Do you know that: 90% of consumers read online reviews before making a purchase and 72% of consumers will be prompted to take action after reading positive reviews? Therefore, no matter whether you’re a popular eCommerce store or if you just started out, customer product reviews play a crucial

Top 20 Best Shopify Apps for Direct-to-Consumer Brands Paid Members Public
Introducing Direct-To-Consumer Brands Direct-to-consumer brands are more and more popular in the e-Commerce world. According to a 2018 survey, 87% of US consumers say that they would buy products directly from a brand online if given the option. Not surprisingly, more and more manufacturers in a range of product segments

17 Best Shopify Apps & Tools to Build your Shopify Store in 2023 Paid Members Public
Running an eCommerce Shopify store is very different from a normal website or your personal blog. There’s so much to do, including payment policy, email marketing, shipments, SEO optimization, etc. But luckily, not only does Shopify make it easy to sell online, but it also provides what online stores