In Opinew, you can integrate along with LoyaltyLion to track users when they write a new review on your shop.

Here’s how to do it:
Step 1: Connect Opinew and Loyalty Lion
Go to Extra and Integrations -> Integrations

Then, click on LoyaltyLion and select Enable LoyaltyLion Integration.
Go to your LoyaltyLion dashboard and click on Manage.

Then scroll down and click Settings. Your Token and secret credentials will display there.
Place your Token and Secret keys in the Opinew LoyaltyLion integration and finally click on the Save button.
Step 2: Track users who left a review on Opinew with LoyaltyLion
Now in order to track users, you’ll first need to create a custom rule to trigger it. Follow these steps:
In your LoyaltyLion dashboard, click Manage, then on activity rules select Create a new rule and then select Custom Rule

Place left_review_on_opinew in the identifier field. Make sure it’s exactly that because that’s the identifier we use for customers who write reviews on Opinew.

Then set the Approval method as Immediate. After that select the number of loyalty points you want to give and the limit (that’s up to you).

Then fill the rest of the fields. Set the title, Notification, and Description. When you’re done, click on Create Rule.

Done! Now every time a customer leaves a review, you’ll be able to see it in your Customers tab in LoyaltyLion.

Note: In order to get the reward, your customer must be enrolled in your loyalty base. If a customer is enrolled, the reward will be automatically added and you’ll see the customer status as enrolled on the customer page. If the customer who left a review is not enrolled, the status of that customer will be guest. It’s up to you to encourage them to get enrolled! When they do, the status will be changed to enrolled and the reward will be automatically added.
If you want to learn more about the integration, refer to our blog post on how to reward your reviewers with Opinew & LoyaltyLion.