With Opinew you can create Gorgias tickets automatically when a review is created, based on how many stars the review has.

To enable it, head to Extra and Integrations -> Integrations

Then, click on Gorgias and select Enable Gorgias Integration.

Head to your Gorgias dashboard. Click on the three dot icon on the right side menu and select Settings.

Then click on REST API.

Your rest api data will show on the right.

First click on the ‘Base API URL’ copy button, and paste the content in the first field in the Opinew Gorgias intagration page.

Then do the same with your username, press copy and paste the content in the Gorgias username field in the Opinew Gorgias Integration page.

After that, copy your Password Api Key and paste it in the last field.

Finally, select the number of stars the review needs to have in order to create the Gorgias ticket and click Save:

That’s it! Whenever a new review is created and the number of stars is equal or less than the ones you selected, a new Gorgias ticket will be created automatically.