Once your integration is active you can set up some actions in Klaviyo for both Review Request Sending and Review tracking.
How to create a segment
You can create segments to group profiles based on properties from the Opinew metrics. In this example, we’ll learn how to create a segment for customers that leave 5-star reviews:
Head to your Klaviyo dashboard and click Lists & Segments and then on Create List / Segment.

Then select Segment:

Give your segment a name.
After that, click on Select a condition and select What someone has done (or not done).
In Select metric… scroll down and click Left a review on Opinew.
Then click on the Add Filter button and select where review star rating, and after that select 5 stars. It should look like this:

Finally, click on Create segment. That’s it! You’ve created your first segment for Opinew. You can create as many segments as you want based on the properties shown.
How to create a Campaign
Once you have created a segment, you can set a campaign for the users in it.
Go to Campaigns and then click Create Campaign.

Then give your campaign a name, select Email and click Save and continue.

Select the segment you want to send the emails to. Then click Continue to content

Here you will set the email’s subject, preview text, sender name and sender email address. Then on the right select the email design you want.

You will be sent to the email editor. There, you can write the email content the user will get. When ready, click Save content

After that, the next screen will show up. If everything looks good, click Schedule or send.

You can either send your campaign now or schedule a time to send it. Finally, click on Schedule or Send.

Done! You’ve created a campaign for a certain segment.