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  3. How to add reviewer profiles to a list in Klaviyo

How to add reviewer profiles to a list in Klaviyo

In this article, we will help you to add the profiles of customers who leave reviews into a custom list in Klaviyo.

Read through our step-by-step guide, or watch our video tutorial below to quickly add reviewer profiles to a list in Klaviyo.

First, go to your Lists & Segments section.

If you already have the list you want to subscribe profiles in, skip this next section and go to How to see my list ID

How to create a list in Klaviyo

Once you are in the Lists & Segments section, click Create List / Segment

Then select List

After that give your new list a name and finally click Create list

How to see my list ID

Back in your Lists & Segments section, click on your list three dot icon and then in List settings:

There you will find your list’s information. Your list’s ID will display right at the start:

Scroll down to the Opt-in Process section and click on Single opt-in, otherwise the profiles won’t be added to the list.

Copy your list ID, click Update List Settings and head to your Opinew integrations page.

Then all you have to do is place your List ID in the last field and click Save.

That’s it! Now the profiles of customers who leave a review will be added to your list.

Updated on September 18, 2023
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