Why You Need Opinew for Black Friday

Willy Stewart
Willy Stewart

Table of Contents

Maximising the Value on your Shopify Store this Black Friday

Here is the key information you need to know on how Opinew can help improve conversions on your store this Black Friday // Cyber Monday and beyond. When you’re preparing your Shopify store for this upcoming weekend, Opinew has some pretty amazing functions you should be using to optimise your store to get more reviews and increase your conversions. As your review import autopilot, Opinew can add huge value to your online store. Not only can we import reviews from Amazon, AliExpress, & eBay into Shopify, but we can help boost your marketing and sales quickly and efficiently.

Discover Opinew’s key features that can help transform your Shopify store today.

More Reviews: Using Coupons For Your Store

Using coupons on your online store can help get 2x more reviews from your review requests. Having product & store reviews on your site can build customer trust - trust that you provide a good experience, and that loads of people have shared that good experience. A discount coupon can entice former customers to promote your store and to use you again. Keep communication open with your customers and build that customer loyalty.

Check out our easy tutorial video on creating a coupon on your Shopify store with Opinew.

Import Reviews in Bulk For Convenience

One good review can help convince someone to buy from you. Multiple good reviews can make an even bigger difference. Opinew can import reviews directly from Amazon, AliExpress, or eBay. With our easy-to-use Chrome Extension, importing hundreds of reviews can be done with the touch of a button. Adding lots of reviews helps to “busy” your store with positive reinforcement. Let your customers say it best about your Shopify store!

Need help with your bulk import through Opinew? Our handy tutorial video will guide you through the process with ease.

Social Proof - Taking advantage of all Opinew widgets and integrations

It’s always good to get a conversion on your store, but with Opinew, it can be a better conversion. Building social proof on your store and across all your marketing channels can help boost quality of conversion. From email to Google rich snippets, social to online store, Opinew has a full range of widgets which can be easily customised to fit your store.

Our introduction to Opinew’s widgets video can help teach you how to make use of the widget functions.

Increasing Conversion Rates by aligning Opinew with your Branding

Add your personal touch while promoting your store; Opinew can adjust to integrate with the style and branding of your Shopify store. By going through the Widgets menu on Opinew’s easy-to-use dashboard, you can modify the main review widget and product star ratings and more. For example, you can adjust the main review widget style here:

                 **Widgets>Product Reviews Widget**

Opinew is designed to fit seamlessly with your store, smoothly working with your existing store to build the trust and customer experience that will keep your customers coming back for more.

Strong Foundation for the Future

We have a full suite of support tools to help you maximise the value of your store, including a full help centre, video tutorials, and expert support service to get you started. Installing Opinew is just the beginning; now it’s time to let Opinew work for you, adding value to your store and boosting your conversions!