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Login to Opinew dashboard as a team member

In this article, we will show you how you can login to the Opinew dashboard as a invited team member and how you can easily switch between multiple managed shops.

Logging in to the Opinew dashboard

Enter your login credentials that you setup when accepting a shop invitation email and click Log in.

If you are managing multiple shops from a single account, you will see another screen prompting you to select your shop. Just select the shop that you want to manage and you will be redirected to the Opinew dashboard.

That’s it, you are now logged in to the Opinew dashboard and can manage your shop’s reviews same way as if you were logging in directly from Shopify.

Switching between multiple shops

Apart from the shop selection screen after you log in, if you are managing more than one shop on Opinew, you can easily switch between them just by clicking on your account avatar in the top right corner of the Opinew dashboard. After clicking it, you will see a list of all managed shops, just click one of them to log in to it’s Opinew dashboard and you’re set.

Now you can easily manage multiple online shops from a single Opinew account. If you are interested how to invite team members to your shop, check out our other article here (How to invite team members to your Opinew dashboard).

Updated on June 26, 2023
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