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Order Printer

Print review request QR codes and ship them with your orders.

Shipping & Delivery

Developed by: FORSBERG+two ApS

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About Order Printer

Order Printer Pro allows you to quickly print and email invoices, packing slips, quote, and returns form documents for your Shopify orders. One-time setup to deliver PDF invoices and other documents automatically.

Print documents yourself, or deliver PDFs automatically to your customers. You can also export documents as PDFs in bulk, for record keeping.

Order Printer and Opinew

If you are using Order Printer or Order Printer Pro, you can now easily print review request slips and send them with your orders. These slips include a short customizable message for the customer and a QR code that lets a customer write a review for their order.

If you encounter any issues, please refer to our help centre article for detailed instructions, or contact our support via the live chat button below.